Saturday, May 17, 2025
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Royce 314

The UCLA Center for India and South Asia (CISA) invites abstracts for the ninth Annual Graduate Conference on South Asia to be held at UCLA on Saturday, May 17, 2025. The conference is a unique opportunity for graduate students and faculty to come together and engage in conversation about research on South Asia. This one-day conference aims to create a forum for presenting and discussing current research on South Asia from a wide range of disciplines, including the social sciences, humanities, media, science and technology studies, public policy, and business programs. Participants will have 20 minutes to present their research and an additional 10 minutes for questions. The conference is in-person for the presenters. We welcome submissions from graduate students at all stages of their study and encourage presentations that are accessible to an interdisciplinary audience and that foster dialogue across fields.
The keynote address for this conference will be given by Inderpal Grewal, Professor Emeritus of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. One of the founders of the field of transnational feminist studies, Dr. Grewal, is known for her prolific work on transnational feminism, cultural theory, and feminist theory. Her extensive research spans postcolonialism, South Asian cultural studies, mobility and modernity, nongovernmental organizations, human rights, law, and citizenship.
To apply to present at the conference, please submit an abstract (250 words maximum) with other essential details
The deadline for abstract submissions is December 22, 2024. We will start to notify applicants if their abstract has or has not been accepted from March 1, 2025.
Presenters should seek their own funding to attend. However, we have limited funding available to support partial travel or accommodation costs for presenters whose papers are accepted.
This event is open to graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and the general public. Please circulate widely along with the attached CFP.
For any questions or clarifications, please write to us at
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee, 2025 Annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference on South Asia at UCLA
Mihika Banerjee
Arpit Gaind
Abhijeet Mudgerikar
Lavanya Nott
Rebecca Waxman
Download file: CISA-GSC-CFP-2025-yi-y0e.pdf
Sponsor(s): Center for India and South Asia